
Primary Logo
Secondary Logo
1 icon
1 illustration
Color Palette
Font System

Based off your inspiration and a questionnaire, we craft a brand for you with ZERO revisions: You accept whatever is created. 100% paid upfront. Giving creative freedom to this studio may be the best option if you are uncertain of what you would like.



Primary Logo
Secondary Logo
2 Lock-ups
3 icons
2 illustrations
Brand Pattern
Branded Backgrounds
Color Palette
Font System



Creative Direction
Primary Logo
Secondary Logo
5 Lock-ups
3 Monograms
5 icons
3 illustrations
Brand Pattern
Branded Backgrounds
Color Palette
Font System
Brand Style Guide



purchased with spruce:


purchased with pine:


purchased with the trust fall:


Do you offer payment plans?

Yes! We break the total cost into 6 manageable payments. There is no penalty or extra fee. 

What is the timeline for a project?

Timelines vary based on package. The Trust Fall package can be finished within 4-6 weeks from the start of the project. The Pine and Spruce generally take 6-12 weeks to complete. 

Can I just get a logo?


How do we express what our vision is?

"Carrot cake halvah toffee danish chocolate pastry tootsie roll danish wafer. Gingerbread wafer ice cream jujubes powder. Sugar plum ice cream marzipan shortbread cheesecake carrot cake oat cake. Dragée muffin wafer chupa chups cake marzipan. Danish icing marshmallow gingerbread caramels jelly-o tart sesame snaps. Dragée pastry chocolate cake fruitcake cotton candy cheesecake."

How do you handle revisions?

The Trust Fall package does not include any revisions. For the Pine and Spruce packages, there is no strict limit on type logo or color revisions. Icons and Illustrations are talked about before pen is put to paper. There is a fee to re-draw these.

Will I own the rights to the designs?


How much commuication takes place?

If choosing Pine or Spruce, there can be open and frequent communication with plenty of updates!